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account Plugins

account plugins can be used with Quorum or clef to provide additional account management.

It is recommended to first read the Pluggable Architecture overview to learn how to use plugins.


Using with Quorum & clef

geth --plugins file:///path/to/plugins.json ...
clef --plugins file:///path/to/plugins.json ...

where the plugins settings file, plugins.json, defines an account provider:

    "providers": {
        "account": {
            "name": "quorum-account-plugin-<NAME>",
            "version": "<VERSION>",
            "config": "file:///path/to/plugin.json"

See Available plugins for a list of available plugins and their corresponding <NAME> and <VERSION>.


A limited API allows users to interact directly with account plugins:


Quorum must explicitly expose the API with --rpcapi plugin@account or --wsapi plugin@account


Create a new plugin-managed account:

Parameter Description
config Plugin-specific json configuration for creating a new account. See the plugin’s documentation for more info on the json config required
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
     -d '
        }' \
echo '
' | nc -U /path/to/clef.ipc


Create a new plugin-managed account from an existing private key:


Although this API can be used to move plugin-managed accounts between nodes, the plugin may provide a more preferable alternative. See the plugin’s documentation for more info.

Parameter Description
rawkey Hex-encoded account private key (without 0x prefix)
config Plugin-specific json configuration for creating a new account. See the plugin’s documentation for more info on the json config required
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
     -d '
             "params":["<rawkey>", {<config>}], 
         }' \
plugin_account.importRawKey(<rawkey>, {<config>})
not supported - use CLI instead


A limited CLI allows users to interact directly with account plugins:


Use the --verbosity flag to hide log output, e.g. geth --verbosity 1 account plugin new ...

geth account plugin new

Create a new plugin-managed account:

Parameter Description
plugins.account.config Plugin-specific configuration for creating a new account. Can be file:// or inline-json. See the plugin’s documentation for more info on the json config required
geth account plugin new \
    --plugins file:///path/to/plugin-config.json \
    --plugins.account.config file:///path/to/new-acct-config.json
geth account plugin new \
    --plugins file:///path/to/plugin-config.json \
    --plugins.account.config '{<json>}'

geth account plugin import

Create a new plugin-managed account from an existing private key:

Parameter Description
plugins.account.config Plugin-specific configuration for creating a new account. Can be file:// or inline-json. See the plugin’s documentation for more info on the json config required
rawkey Path to file containing hex-encoded account private key (without 0x prefix) (e.g. /path/to/raw.key)
geth account plugin import \
    --plugins file:///path/to/plugin-config.json \
    --plugins.account.config file:///path/to/new-acct-config.json \
geth account plugin import \
    --plugins file:///path/to/plugin-config.json \
    --plugins.account.config '{<json>}'

geth account plugin list

List all plugin-managed accounts for a given config:

geth account plugin list \
    --plugins file:///path/to/plugin-config.json

Available plugins

(available soon)


See For Developers.